Friday, 20 April 2012

Gardening Indoors & Outdoors!

What a glorious Thursday, the sun is shining and flowers are blooming indoors as well as outdoors!  I find it so hard to stop staring, I actually watched some of them open!

What started the day as this....

 Ended the day like this...
The first of the Primroses finally showed their cheerful colours!

Butterflies were swirling around the Fritillaria all day, so dreamy...

The house is also decked out for spring, Orchids, Amaryllis, calla lily, Kalancheo, African Violets and a bouquet of white tulips...

Even the broken Amaryllis is blooming in the window in a shot glass!


Anyone ever see a gold-fish plant?  Mine's been blooming for the last six months!!!!

Apparently, it loves the south window and lots of water!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

An Explosion Of Colour!

OMG!!!  I so love this time a year!  The trillium are blooming which means the fiddle-heads are up!
It's hard to keep track of all the new blooms!  The smallest of my purple Iris has bloomed and I've spotted one tiny forget-me-not.

The Marsh-marigolds bring the first touch of colour to the pond(by the way, it's already full of frog and toad eggs!)

And the carpet of Dead-Nettle flowered all at once!

I can't wait to see what surprises await me under today's glorious sun...  :)

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

A Breezy Mid-April Full Of Colours!

Mid-April brought all kinds of bad weather to some regions.  We were spared; however it made the temperature drop and the wind has been howling for days.  Thank god for small blessings!  Like these tiny white violets in the  back of the yard...

I go out there everyday at least for a couple of hours to weed admire and take pictures! Today was my first red tulip!  How exciting!!!

These Pulmonaria (lung's worth) are quite easy to reproduce... some would even say a little invasive... time to dig some up and help brighten someone else's garden!

The birds and the butterflies are coming back to enjoy the varieties of pollens and seeds...Soon they will be enjoying this Fritillaria...

The blue Hyacinths and white tulips, both gifts from the coolest neighbour ever Shelley, regularly stop people in their tracks and put a smile on their faces.

Tonight, I'll go to bed dreaming of beautiful bleeding hearts the likes of those that grew in my grand-mother's garden.  ;)

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April Rain.... and Flowers!

April Rain, May Flowers... that's what THEY say!!! LOL!!!  I say April Rain and Flowers!  The colours never seem to stop amazing me!   
Here's the view from the shed looking at the house!
Every morning brings the new wonder of a colour or a smell, the surprise is endless...This is hyacinth and daffodil season!

All colours are welcome in my garden!!!!
The grape hyacinths just appeared...What's going to be next?

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Back To Normal Temperatures

So the temperatures are back to normal...  We have to take advantage of every warm moments and soak up the sun, the winters aren't quite warm yet!  So we put up the gazebo and try to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible!

My Fritillaria is in a hurry to come up and it's large orange flowers will soon bring a welcome punch of colour to my otherwise green yard!  This is a hardy early spring flower bulb in the lily family.

The Hyacinths are blooming and their scent is intoxicating.  I brought a blue one in the kitchen, that's all you can smell while doing dishes!  :)

The Hellebore is in full bloom

and the Johny Jump Ups are smiling,  

Now I'm just waiting for the sun to wake up my daffodils and tulips....
You'll know as soon as they're up!